Centre for Digital Innovation

Centre for Digital Innovation

The Centre for Digital Innovation (CDI) at CHRIST University, established in 2015, places its primary focus on fostering academia-industry collaborations with leading international IT companies and forming research partnerships with prestigious universities and research institutes worldwide. This approach aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry practices, enhancing innovation and development in the technology sector. 

Additionally, the CDI supports digital skills enhancement for faculty and students and runs international IT internships, offering practical exposure and global networking opportunities. Another significant endeavour of the CDI is the initiation of WeJump.org, designed to uplift underserved children by equipping them with digital skills and social mindfulness, preparing them to be the future leaders.

CDI also manages the university's ERP system which streamlines and automates administrative processes like admissions, examinations, and attendance, aiming to integrate various administrative functions for efficient management and decision-making.


Digital Excellence and Social Mindfulness


To synergize academia and industry through technological partnership, research collaboration, and empowering future leaders with digital competence and social mindfulness.


Facilitate Academia-Industry Collaborations: Foster partnerships with international IT companies to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry practices, promoting innovation in technology.

Global Research Partnerships: Form research alliances with prestigious universities and institutes worldwide to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise in digital innovation.

Enhance Digital Skills and Uplift Communities: Commit to enhancing digital skills among students and faculty, offering international IT internships for practical exposure. Additionally, through WeJump.org, empower underserved children with digital skills and social mindfulness to become future leaders.

Effective ERP Management: Support university management by implementing an effective ERP system with advanced functionalities.

Focus Areas

Artificial Intelligance

Internet of Things

Computer Vision